Last week in week 5 on day 3 it about killed me. There are tear stains in my book! This week in week 6 day 3 had me walking on clouds! I have felt so good this week from this weeks study! Listen to this my friends!
Song of Songs 10 My lover spoke and said to me, "Arise. My darling, My beautiful one, and come with Me. 11 See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. 14 Show me your face, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet and your face lovely. 4:1 How beautiful you are my darling! Oh, How beautiful!5 Your two breast are like two fawns, like twin fawns of a gazelle that browses among the lilies. 7 There is no flaw in you. 8 Come with me from Lebanon my bride, from the lions' dens.
How amazingly beautiful is that? How often do we long to hear how beautiful we are? How often after child rearing and age do we look at our bodies and think wow everything has gone south. Well reread that passage. God made us BEAUTIFUL! For us to be down on how we look we are down on how Christ made us and his love for his brides! We ladies are his bride. Beth more hit it this week I tell ya! She states "She has made herself ready." God's Word doesn't imply that we are to make ourselves ready for the wedding but for the Groom. Remember, making ourselves ready means studying and knowing our Groom! Ladies Jesus is our Groom! We prepare ourselves for our earthly groom so why do we sometimes lack to prepare ourselves for our heavenly Groom? Get into his word and be surprised at how good it will make you feel! Need to feel like a lovely woman? Read the Song of Songs. WOWOWOWOW!!!!!!!!! Yesterday I felt amazing! I felt beautiful! I felt like I was glowing! I pray I continue to remember how well Jesus heals the brokenhearted!
I have a few prayer request as well.
My little girl Reagan is 2. She has had a horrible cough and a super bad runny nose. We have been doing breathing treatments and so forth. Last night she spiked a fever of 104.8. I was up every 4 hours with her through the night just to keep the fever below 102. This morning she says her right ear hurts when i ask her what hurts. She is going to the doctor at 4:45 today. Must be a lot of sick babies out there!
As well my husband has a ear infection and we are praying his doctor will just call in a antibiotic.
Alexander does his first therapy session today to strengthen his leg from having to wear a brace for it.
Please pray for strength for me and that I will have compassion cause its running thin.
Easter Card DIY: Free Printable Kit!
2 days ago